
The Haunted Area 51 (Dance Club) in Salt Lake City, Utah

A haunted location: Area 51 (Dance Club) in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Details: In the middle stall of the upstairs women’s bathroom a young woman either accidentally or intentionally overdosed on cocaine and died.

The door to the stall, although replaced and worked on constantly has problems staying shut.

The toilet has been known to flush itself.

Crying is heard there and people who have NOT been drinking report feeling nauseous and light-headed when the walk into the bathroom.


The Haunted Dove Creek Camp in Brigham City, Utah

A haunted location: Dove Creek Camp in Brigham City, Utah.

Details: This abandoned labor camp was once used for Chinese immigrant workers that were used for laying the first transcontinental railroad tracks.

It is haunted by the sounds and voices of the Chinese workers who lived and died there, ghostly lights have also been reported.


The Haunted Alta Club in Salt Lake City, Utah

A haunted location: Alta Club in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Details: The Alta Club, a private club, once held hotel style rooms on the top floor in which member’s could live in.

In the early 50’s, one member, who had been living there for years, fell asleep on his couch with a burning cigar in his hand.

It proceeded to start a fire; evidence of the soot can still be seen today above the outside windows on the top floor, which consumed most of the top floor as well as taking the man’s life.


The Haunted Alpine in Highland, Utah

A haunted location: Alpine in Highland, Utah.

Details: Alpine Cemetery – EVP’s recorded of a young girl & a dark figure running across the grass in front of the witnesses.


The Haunted The Main Theater in Smithfield, Utah

A haunted location: The Main Theater in Smithfield, Utah.

Details: After hours there is a feeling of an evil presence, particularly strong in the downstairs old boiler room, which employees would refuse to go into alone.

One night an employee (myself) was working in the projector booth and heard the door open and slam and glanced under their arm to see and hear some feet running past and into the restroom.

Upon looking in the restroom, no one was there.


The Haunted Nunery, Logan Canyon in Logan, Utah

A haunted location: Nunery, Logan Canyon in Logan, Utah.

Details: there is a pool where a little boy drowned, and the pool is empty now, but there is a cold spot about 2 or 3 feet in diameter, where there is a freezing cold spot.

the pool also has a glow at night.

There have been many sightings of children that were killed there.


The Haunted Rocky Mountain High School in Byron, Utah

A haunted location: Rocky Mountain High School in Byron, Utah.

Details: You can hear people in the weight room when investigated, it is always emoty.

It is rumored someone hung themselves up there.

Typing in the typing room has been heard and in the library there is a feeling of being watched.


The Haunted Glen Weaver Park in West Valley, Utah

A haunted location: Glen Weaver Park in West Valley, Utah.

Details: There was a man that would take girls in the back of the park near the back of the baseball field and he raped and killed them.

A man named Glen weaver was walking there one night and witnessed one of the girls being raped he got killed trying to save her.

The park was renamed after him.

The other guy was executed later that year.


The Haunted Silver Fork Lodge And Inn in Brighton, Utah

A haunted location: Silver Fork Lodge And Inn in Brighton, Utah.

Details: Employees complain of lights and appliances turning on and off, missing tools, whispers and moans , cold spots, apparitions, and other paranormal activity.


The Haunted Clinic in Dugway, Utah

A haunted location: Clinic in Dugway, Utah.

Details: Located on U.S.

Army Dugway Proving Ground, a remote Army post west of Salt Lake City in the desert.- It is closed to the public.

Trespassers will be prosecuted under federal law.

Do not attempt to sneak on or you may find yourself staring at the business end of an M16 rifle.