
The Haunted Sandy in Salt Lake City, Utah

A haunted location: Sandy in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Details: Liberty Heights – 4 years ago, this apartment building had a pool where a playground is now built.

A little boy went swimming by himself with no supervision.

He drowned, and was found a couple hours later.

It is said if you go to the playground by yourself you’ll feel a cold presence.

Swings move by themselves.

and if you dig in the woodchips, puddles of water float to the surface.


The Haunted Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah

A haunted location: Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Details: Hogle Hall – 3rd floor, bathroom sinks go off and on, as do the lights.

Also, a student committed suicide by hanging himself on the 3rd floor, reported haunting of that room.

2nd floor little boy behind the water fountain on Thursdays, will laugh and giggle when you walk by.

1st floor, a student died in the showers from a seizure or something.


The Haunted Spring Canyon in Helper, Utah

A haunted location: Spring Canyon in Helper, Utah.

Details: The White Lady – Spring Canyon Above Helper Utah is the site of several Ghost Towns including Latuda and Standardville which were coal mining communities.

Many old homesteads built out of rock still stand as well as stores, the old jail and such.

One of the homes is where the white lady has been seen.

She is dressed all in white and is searching for her child.


The Haunted Clearfield Job Corps Center in Clearfield, Utah

A haunted location: Clearfield Job Corps Center in Clearfield, Utah.

Details: Dorm L – is also haunted by an old military nurse.

Not sure if it’s the same one that is in the TB dorm but this one walks down the hall.

E dorm (the dorm I am in) is haunted by three spirits.

One of them is a little girl, age between 5-6, who stands by the doorway of the entrance to the dorm.

Others have experienced this girl walking down the hall bouncing a ball.

The other ghost is possibly a former RA (residential adviser).


The Haunted The Haunted Museum in Bountiful, Utah

A haunted location: The Haunted Museum in Bountiful, Utah.

Details: An old building on eaglewood drive once used as a mortuary, a mink farm, and most recently a museum.

The museum is abandoned, but still houses many LDS “artifacts” and has been seen with dark, shadowy people on the property with a very eerie presence felt.


The Haunted Cemetery in Bountiful, Utah

A haunted location: Cemetery in Bountiful, Utah.

Details: Voices heard in the old wood cemetery, strange smells and sounds 1 tombstone was a temple workers for the salt lake temple it is always warm.


The Haunted ZCMI Department Store in Salt Lake City, Utah

A haunted location: ZCMI Department Store in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Details: The store downtown has been known for the cook who worked in the store’s exquisite restaurant, who passed away a few years back, is still preparing meals and the sort for groups of women (who have also passed on) in the store’s restaurant.