
The Haunted Old Slave Mansion in Seattle, Washington

A haunted location: Old Slave Mansion in Seattle, Washington.

Details: there is a gate that goes around this mansion and it is said that if you step one foot into the gate you have to fully enter and walk past a forest that is on a huge hill and at the top of the hill is a wishing rock that makes wishes true and if you don’t you will have bad luck forever.


The Haunted Fort Casey in Whidbey Island, Washington

A haunted location: Fort Casey in Whidbey Island, Washington.

Details: Weird noises and figures and a woman screaming there is also weird drawings on the walls.

Something scratches on the wall like claws.


The Haunted Andrew’s Rainbow House in Seattle, Washington

A haunted location: Andrew’s Rainbow House in Seattle, Washington.

Details: A young man named Andrew who was gay finally decided to tell his father he was gay.

His father freaked out and killed his son and himself.

The next morning the house was painted rainbow colors on the front and the back of the house is an array of colors and swirls.

There is also colored tile on the roof and a gray letter “A” in the tile roof.

The house has been painted before but the next day the house is always backing to the rainbow colors.


The Haunted Mount Baker Hotel in Concrete, Washington

A haunted location: Mount Baker Hotel in Concrete, Washington.

Details: Make it known that if you are going to this hotel, and you go upstairs be prepared, you will see a little girl about 4, with red hair and blue jean shorts on, with a pink shirt on! She might try to push you down the stairs (Do Not Be Alarmed!) but it does not work.

All you can feel is a sort of tingle go through your body.


The Haunted Northern State Hospital / Cascade Job Corps in Sedro Woolley, Washington

A haunted location: Northern State Hospital / Cascade Job Corps in Sedro Woolley, Washington.

Details: In the old superintendents mansion several people have been frightened by a bright light on the second floor.

Most of the old dorms are very cold even in the heat of summer.

In the old nurses dorm, faint voices can sometimes be heard.

The gymnasium has also had supernatural activity since the 50’s.

– October 2007: WARNING – There is no trespassing.

The police will be called and you will be arrested.


The Haunted Nathan Hale High School in Seattle, Washington

A haunted location: Nathan Hale High School in Seattle, Washington.

Details: Apparently, a long time ago someone was raped in one of the halls in this school.

Some people have hear odd noises and there is a place in one of the halls where people have walked right thru it and a rush of fear came over their whole body.


The Haunted Bayview Cemetery in Bellingham, Washington

A haunted location: Bayview Cemetery in Bellingham, Washington.

Details: Their have been reports of a ghostly apparition floating along the stone walls of the cemetery.

Inside the walls there are 3 hot spots and a monument called the “death bed”, it is said that when one lies upon this monument they expedite their death.

The other “haunted” monument is called “angel eyes”, it is believed that the apparition that is seen wandering the stone enclosure is the spirit of the person buried beneath that statue.