The Haunted Old Dora in Dora, Alabama

A haunted location: Old Dora in Dora, Alabama.

Details: Old Dora has a street that once, a long time ago, was the center of town.

The town itself was built around the railroad tracks and depot.

Many stores and businesses lined this street.

There was a church and many homes in the surrounding area.

A cement tunnel gave pedestrians an inlet to the town under the railroad tracks.

The roads are still a remembrance of older days made of old concrete and stone.

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Do You Know The Haunted History Of The Old Dora?

It has been rumoured that the Old Dora in Dora, Alabama is a haunted location. We’ll explain why people think this below. Do you think the rumors are true?

Old Dora Information
Location Name Old Dora
State Alabama
City Dora
Country United States

Why Is The Old Dora Haunted?

Old Dora has a street that once, a long time ago, was the center of town.

The town itself was built around the railroad tracks and depot.

Many stores and businesses lined this street.

There was a church and many homes in the surrounding area.

A cement tunnel gave pedestrians an inlet to the town under the railroad tracks.

The roads are still a remembrance of older days made of old concrete and stone.

Many people met their demise in Dora, either by the tracks or other occurrences.

At one time, when racism was still the norm, a black man was accused of stealing a horse from a local resident, and was sentenced to die by hanging from a nearby train trestle.

It is said that the very second the man’s neck broke, the horse was found in a farm just outside of town.

When the moon is full, you can just barely make out the silhouette of a man dangling from the trestle.

And if you listen really close , you can still hear the mournful moans of his wife in the adjacent forest.

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What do you think about the haunted history of Old Dora in Dora, Alabama?

Do you believe it’s true?

We’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.

DISCLAIMER: We don’t advocate that anyone goes here, this post is for informational purposes only.


  • Gwenyth Poler

    Meet Gwenyth Poler, a content creator at Scary HQ, a haunted places blog that delves into the eerie and unexplained. Gwen is a true crime enthusiast and an avid lover of all things spooky. In her free time, she can be found exploring abandoned buildings and investigating local ghost stories. But don't let her interest in the macabre fool you, Gwen is the epitome of a wholesome individual with a kind heart and a contagious passion for her work. When she's not scouring the internet for her next true crime case to research or haunted location to visit, she can be found curled up with a horror novel or watching her favorite scary movies. Gwen's love for the eerie and unknown is matched only by her love for her audience, and she pours her heart and soul into every post on Scary HQ. Join Gwen on her journey as she uncovers the secrets of the haunted world around us.

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