
The Haunted Barber Shop in Silver Lake, Kansas

A haunted location: Barber Shop in Silver Lake, Kansas.

Details: Man who was killed “accidentally” while getting a shave is still seen inside the shop.


The Haunted Nickerson Grave Yard in Nickerson, Kansas

A haunted location: Nickerson Grave Yard in Nickerson, Kansas.

Details: Reports of a gaudian spirit, sometimes looking like a woman, other times a strange light or a demon.

The legend is if you have famiy burried there then you will never be harmed.


The Haunted Old Farm Near Coronado Heights in Lindsborg, Kansas

A haunted location: Old Farm Near Coronado Heights in Lindsborg, Kansas.

Details: There’s an old farm house in Lindsborg that no one whether it be day or night can miss the unmistakable black tarry looking mist or something that will crawl rapidly and aimlessly along the grass of the property or even in the house crawling up the walls and floors, whatever it is it doesn’t want you there most of the time it will eventually start to chase you aggressively day or night.

The owner even refuses to live there, no one has for years.


The Haunted Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas

A haunted location: Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas.

Details: Just south of Taminend Hall – there is a small cemetery with about 70 markers of children who died from a smallpox epidemic that plagued the city of Lawrence for a good year.

When you approach the cemetery don’t be afraid if you start to hear the sound of children crying.

This is a common occurrence and has been the reason for several Native ceremonies to try to bring peace to these children who died here.


The Haunted Sauer “castle” in Kansas city, Kansas

A haunted location: Sauer “castle” in Kansas city, Kansas.

Details: Now on the historical registry.

The “story” goes that the owner left his wife to go off to war during the Civil war.

She received a letter toward the end of the war from him stating that he would arrive on a particular ferry and to wait for him there.

She went down to the river to await his arrival.


The Haunted Old Fort Hays in Hays, Kansas

A haunted location: Old Fort Hays in Hays, Kansas.

Details: In 1867, a drummer named Ephriam Polly and his wife Elizabeth, stopped at Fort Hays.

While staying there, a terrible Cholera epidemic struck the fort.

It is not known what happened to Ephriam, but Elizabeth Polly stayed on at the fort tirelessly nursing sick soldiers.

In the late afternoon, she would take a moment to walk to her favorite spot that was an isolated hilltop west of the fort.

She would rest there and enjoy the peace and quiet.


The Haunted Old Fort in Fort Scott, Kansas

A haunted location: Old Fort in Fort Scott, Kansas.

Details: There have been hundreds of sightings here of soldiers from the Civil War and fog-like apparitions sifting up the chimney in the officers’ quarters.

This fort was built in the 1800’s during Bleeding Kansas and border wars with Missouri.

People have also reported seeing ghosts in the cell block.


The Haunted Ft. Dodge in Dodge City, Kansas

A haunted location: Ft. Dodge in Dodge City, Kansas.

Details: Barn – This is a old barn at the edge of Ft.

Dodge at 3:30 every morning all the light come on and all of the doors come open even the door at the very top of the barn the one they threw hay out of nobody new why this happened so the security guard did some research to find out this is the time the people used to milked all of the cows.


The Haunted Brown Mansion in Coffeyville, Kansas

A haunted location: Brown Mansion in Coffeyville, Kansas.

Details: This is a turn of the 20th century mansion that has had more than its share of tragedy.

Despite his wealth, Mr.

Brown lost all of his children but one in childhood.

In the basement, employees tell of hearing bowling balls striking pins where the alley used to be.

In the 3rd story ballroom, cherry tobacco smoke can sometimes be smelled in the old smoking room, as well as partygoers being heard.


The Haunted Wal-Mart Super Center in Chanute, Kansas

A haunted location: Wal-Mart Super Center in Chanute, Kansas.

Details: when they changed Wal-mart to a super center a man who died(1978) in the parking lot was mad.

now he haunts Wal-mart.

he is known to play in the children’s isle.

(when he’s happy) but when he’s mad everything get cold an the power goes out on Halloween.

stuff gets lost, and only children can see him.

things get out of places.

when children follow him they don’t come back…