The Haunted “Joe’s Cave” in Richland, Missouri

A haunted location: “Joe’s Cave” in Richland, Missouri.

Details: In the early 1900’s a black man named Joe was accused of raping a young white girl.

He protested his innocence saying, “God would prove I didn’t do it”.

Legend has it that he survived the electric chair but a group of vigilantes took him to the cave where he was tarred and feathered and then hung with barbed wired in one of the larger back rooms of the cave.

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Do You Know The Haunted History Of The “Joe’s Cave”?

It has been rumoured that the “Joe’s Cave” in Richland, Missouri is a haunted location. We’ll explain why people think this below. Do you think the rumors are true?

“Joe’s Cave” Information
Location Name “Joe’s Cave”
State Missouri
City Richland
Country United States

Why Is The “Joe’s Cave” Haunted?

In the early 1900’s a black man named Joe was accused of raping a young white girl.

He protested his innocence saying, “God would prove I didn’t do it”.

Legend has it that he survived the electric chair but a group of vigilantes took him to the cave where he was tarred and feathered and then hung with barbed wired in one of the larger back rooms of the cave.

Joe had been a fiddle player and each night after supper would sit on his front porch and play the fiddle.

Now if you go to the cave just around dark you can hear his fiddle music echoing though out it.

– May 2005 clarification/ correction: This is a historical incident, so there are records that provide the date (1839), the name and age of the girl (Amanda Fulbright, age 10), the name of the man who killed Joe (Thomas Rafferty shot him).

Joe’s dead body was taken from the Fulbright property in Laclede County, MO, to the cave in Camden County, MO (about 10 miles), a medical doctor dissected the body, boiled the flesh off the bones, and rearticulated the skeleton.

The doctor’s motive was knowledge of anatomy.

Also, the cave does not have any “larger back rooms.” The first room goes about 75 feet, then tapers down to a hole only large enough for a modest stream of water.

No human could enter the hole.

And, of course, there was no electric chair in 1839, and barbed wire wasn’t invented until about 1876.

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What do you think about the haunted history of “Joe’s Cave” in Richland, Missouri?

Do you believe it’s true?

We’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.

DISCLAIMER: We don’t advocate that anyone goes here, this post is for informational purposes only.


  • Gwenyth Poler

    Meet Gwenyth Poler, a content creator at Scary HQ, a haunted places blog that delves into the eerie and unexplained. Gwen is a true crime enthusiast and an avid lover of all things spooky. In her free time, she can be found exploring abandoned buildings and investigating local ghost stories. But don't let her interest in the macabre fool you, Gwen is the epitome of a wholesome individual with a kind heart and a contagious passion for her work. When she's not scouring the internet for her next true crime case to research or haunted location to visit, she can be found curled up with a horror novel or watching her favorite scary movies. Gwen's love for the eerie and unknown is matched only by her love for her audience, and she pours her heart and soul into every post on Scary HQ. Join Gwen on her journey as she uncovers the secrets of the haunted world around us.

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