The Haunted Riverside Theater Works in Hyde Park, Massachusetts

A haunted location: Riverside Theater Works in Hyde Park, Massachusetts.

Details: Rumors talk of a spooky spirit within the walls of the old French opera house.

The building once burned down but they rebuilt it.

Talk of a woman named Esmeralda, who died in a chair in the house during the fire, comes back to haunt the children who participate in the theatrical productions.

Her apparition is seen during every production by 1 or more participants in the plays, floating above the lighting on the stage with a red eye.

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Do You Know The Haunted History Of The Riverside Theater Works?

It has been rumoured that the Riverside Theater Works in Hyde Park, Massachusetts is a haunted location. We’ll explain why people think this below. Do you think the rumors are true?

Riverside Theater Works Information
Location Name Riverside Theater Works
State Massachusetts
City Hyde Park
Country United States

Why Is The Riverside Theater Works Haunted?

Rumors talk of a spooky spirit within the walls of the old French opera house.

The building once burned down but they rebuilt it.

Talk of a woman named Esmeralda, who died in a chair in the house during the fire, comes back to haunt the children who participate in the theatrical productions.

Her apparition is seen during every production by 1 or more participants in the plays, floating above the lighting on the stage with a red eye.

She also has appeared to few students when they sit in the purple painted chair that she died in.

Sometimes when one of actors/actresses sit in the chair before a performance, bad luck comes about to them during their performance.

So next time you are there, watch out because she has her eye on you!!! – June 2005 Correction: The truth about Essie, as she’s affectionately referred to here, is yes she did die in a fire here when the building was still known as French’s Opera House.

She is said to “live” in the fly loft, above the lighting instruments above the stage.

There is a purple chair in the audience, on the right hand side near the stage.

Flowers are placed there before performances…if the flowers are not in full bloom, she will mess around with the lights during the performances.

She is, for the most part, a friendly spirit, although she does like to make noises at night.

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What do you think about the haunted history of Riverside Theater Works in Hyde Park, Massachusetts?

Do you believe it’s true?

We’d love to hear what you think in the comments below.

DISCLAIMER: We don’t advocate that anyone goes here, this post is for informational purposes only.


  • Gwenyth Poler

    Meet Gwenyth Poler, a content creator at Scary HQ, a haunted places blog that delves into the eerie and unexplained. Gwen is a true crime enthusiast and an avid lover of all things spooky. In her free time, she can be found exploring abandoned buildings and investigating local ghost stories. But don't let her interest in the macabre fool you, Gwen is the epitome of a wholesome individual with a kind heart and a contagious passion for her work. When she's not scouring the internet for her next true crime case to research or haunted location to visit, she can be found curled up with a horror novel or watching her favorite scary movies. Gwen's love for the eerie and unknown is matched only by her love for her audience, and she pours her heart and soul into every post on Scary HQ. Join Gwen on her journey as she uncovers the secrets of the haunted world around us.

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